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quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2012


You say that I am the future
Do not forsake me in this.
You say that I am the hope of peace,
motivates me to war.
You say that I am the promise of good,
Do not you trust me to evil.
You say I am the light of your eyes,
Do not leave me ace darkness.
I hope not only your bread,
Give me light and understanding.
Not only desire as the party of your affection,
I beg you to love me eduques.
Not just toys beseech thee,
I pray thee, good words and good examples.
I am no mere ornament of your affection,
I am someone who knocks you in the name of God.
Teach me work and humility, devotion and forgiveness.
Have mercy on me and guide me to what is good and just.
Correct me while you can, though I suffer ...
Help me today so that tomorrow I will not make you cry.

(Meimei / psychographic by Chico Xavier)

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Ten ways to love ourselves

Ten ways to love ourselves 1. Disciplining own impulses. 2. Working every day, producing the best we can. 3. Attending to the good advice that we draw for others. 4. Accept criticism without anger and disapproval. 5. Forget the faults of others without our apology. 6. Avoid useless talks. 7. Receive suffering the process of our education. 8. Silent about the offense, returning evil with good. 9. Help everyone, without requiring any payment of gratitude. 10. Repeat the lessons edifying, as many times as necessary, to persevere in perfecting ourselves without losing heart and putting us service of the Divine Master, today and forever. _André Luiz_

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