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terça-feira, agosto 07, 2012

Our Father - Translation of Aramaic

Father-Mother, breath of life,
The sound source, action without words, Creator of the Cosmos!
Make your light shine within us, between us and outside us
so we can make it useful.

Help us to follow our path
Breathing just the feeling that emanates from the Lord.
Our U.S., in step, to be with His,
to walk as Kings and Queens
with all other creatures.

That his and our desire to be one,
across the light, as in all forms,
across individual existence, as in all

Make us feel the soul of the earth within us,
because then we will feel the wisdom that exists in everything.
Do not let the superficial appearance of things and
deceived in the world, and deliver us from all that
hinders our growth.

Let us not be overtaken by oblivion
Creator of the Lord is the Light and the Glory of the world,
the song that is renewed from time to time
and that beautifies everything.

May His love be the soil where they grow our actions.

So be it!

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Ten ways to love ourselves

Ten ways to love ourselves 1. Disciplining own impulses. 2. Working every day, producing the best we can. 3. Attending to the good advice that we draw for others. 4. Accept criticism without anger and disapproval. 5. Forget the faults of others without our apology. 6. Avoid useless talks. 7. Receive suffering the process of our education. 8. Silent about the offense, returning evil with good. 9. Help everyone, without requiring any payment of gratitude. 10. Repeat the lessons edifying, as many times as necessary, to persevere in perfecting ourselves without losing heart and putting us service of the Divine Master, today and forever. _André Luiz_

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