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segunda-feira, agosto 06, 2012


It is an excellent documentary, shows in quick strokes, the moral knowledge that has been since the dawn of creation. The April 18, 1857 Master Allan Kardec codified into the world "The Spirits' Book" kick-off was given the spiritual doctrine, the doctrine was later complemented by four other books that together form "The Pentateuch Kardecian." Spiritualism came to explain puzzles that mankind did not understand. Grasp and understand the designs of the Heavenly Father is a matter of time decorredr in evolution. It would be inexplicable birth of siblings with so many difficulties among those who are so easy to get "all" who want this planet. God is infinite in his perfections and have an explanation for everything!

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Ten ways to love ourselves

Ten ways to love ourselves 1. Disciplining own impulses. 2. Working every day, producing the best we can. 3. Attending to the good advice that we draw for others. 4. Accept criticism without anger and disapproval. 5. Forget the faults of others without our apology. 6. Avoid useless talks. 7. Receive suffering the process of our education. 8. Silent about the offense, returning evil with good. 9. Help everyone, without requiring any payment of gratitude. 10. Repeat the lessons edifying, as many times as necessary, to persevere in perfecting ourselves without losing heart and putting us service of the Divine Master, today and forever. _André Luiz_

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